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Computers and Visual Ergonomics

Almost everyone uses computers. So here is some useful advice on looking at the computer screen comfortably.

-Computer screen should be 5-10 inches (10-25cms) below line of horizontal sight - so that when 

looking straight ahead you can look just over the screen. Therefore look down at the screen at approximately a 15 degree angle. 

-Screen contrast should be set to "high". 

Wear the appropriate prescription spectacles.

For those requiring reading spectacles, wear special multifocals designed specifically for screen use and reading, so that you can read copy accurately and also see the screen comfortably and efficiently. Sometimes reading errors can be very costly e.g. mistaking a ‘0' for a ‘6'.

-Sit far enough away so that you are able to just touch the screen - say 24-26 inches (60-65 cms). 

-Screen should be tilted to the appropriate height. It is important that your head whilst looking at the screen should feel balanced, with no strain on the neck muscles.

-Shoulders should be in a comfortable position - relaxed not hunched.

-Overall room lighting should be set "slightly dimmer" with no reflections on the screen and no bright distracting lights in the user's field of vision.

-Windowposition should be at the side and not in front nor behind the screen.

-"BLINK reminder" - put a ‘Post-it' note on the very edge of the screen or keyboard to remind you to keep blinking.

-Every 20 minutes - take a 20 second break - look at something at least 20 feet (6 metres) away.
